Male & Female Steam Rooms

What is a steam room?

A steam room is created when a water-filled generator pumps steam into an enclosed space, creating moisture in the air.  The temperature inside the steam room reaches 50 degrees and creates 100% humidity within the room.


What are the benefits?

  • Moist heat Increases blood circulation and strengthens cardiovascular systems, by dilatating the small blood vessels or capillaries.
  • Reduces blood pressure and keeps the heart healthy.
  • Warm condensation will help rinse away dirt and dead skin cells and has been used to fight acne.
  • Relieves pain associated with muscle strains, arthritis, muscle spasms and general muscular recovery after movement sessions.
  • Great for work out recovery.
  • Detoxifying toxins and fluid from your body.
  • Assists with weight loss through riding fat cells, stored through toxins.
  • Great for breaking up congestion in the sinuses and lungs, helping to breathe easier and more deeply.
  • Reduces stress and fatigue, helping you feel rejuvenated and soothing tense muscles.

Infra Red Sauna

Our Infra Red sauna is the perfect setting to relax on your own and unwind.  With numerous benefits for the body, your Infra Red Sauna Session will leave you feeling energised and relaxed.  Unlike traditional saunas, Infra Red Saunas heat you internally first through the infra red panels in the sauna.  Benefits include:

  • Lowering stress levels
  • Reduce muscle pain and aching joints
  • Boost your immune response
  • Rejuvinate your skin
  • Improve detoxification
  • Ease stiffness and inflammation
  • Assist with cell renewal








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