Some Ideas For Fuel Before Early Morning Classes

Early morning classes are a fantastic start to your day! It sets a mood for your day and gets the blood pumping and the energy rising! But, what if you come to class without consuming something, first? Well, depending on the class, and how your body is feeling, you may experience dizziness, lethargy and a general feeling of sluggishness during your classes. Some thrive on an empty tummy for early classes, others may not. It is up to YOU to learn what works best for you! We want to keep you happy, safe and make sure you enjoy your early classes with us! So, below are some ideas for some sustenance before classes for those who may need it:
💚 Making protein/bliss balls ahead of time so it’s an easy pick-up-and-go.
💚 Setting up a fruit smoothie the night before and placing it in your fridge so you can place it on your device and mix it up, saving time.
💚 Fruit is always a goodie.
💚 Maybe even a simple piece of toast or rice cakes with avocado and tomato, or the like.
💚 Hard boil an egg or two the night before and place it on the fridge for a little protein hit.
Don’t overthink things! Plan ahead and make it easier for yourself, allowing yourself to feel nourished before classes. Ideally, consuming food, (not too much-think smaller portion sizes before classes), half an hour to 45 minutes before if possible. This will ensure your body uses the fuel it needs to work in class! And, always remember to hydrate before and during classes. Water is key! We hope this helps you with some ideas for looking after your body before a work out!

Categories: General, Wellbeing