When choosing exercises for your workouts, have a little think of which muscles groups they are working, and if they are helping to compliment your busy weekly schedule.
A lot of clients I see in clinic experience pain or problems from how they spend most of their day. Think office workers at a sitting at desk, people who spend hours travelling too and from work, a chef or retail assistant that spends a lot of time standing over a bench. All of these professions have something in common.
We spend a lot of our day using the front of our bodies, which leads to tightening of these muscles and can lead to weaker back muscles over time. This can present as someone who experiences tension headaches and neck pain, someone who has a lot of shoulder pain with overhead movements, someone who feels weaker to lift or carry their groceries or someone who experiences lower back pain throughout the day.
Choose posture friendly exercises to compliment your busy weekly schedule.
My top four tips for helping your body stay nice and balanced:
Focusing on these points, rather than just getting sweaty each session will really make a big different to how your body looks and feels, keeping you happy & motivated. Try adding in any ‘pulling’ based exercises & get creative with bands in your weekly workouts and see how your posture improves and your body feels.
Tarsh McCallum
Physiotherapist & Pilates Instructor
Soul Physiotherapy & Movement at The Nourish Nook.